Full Bloom Nursery est 2003 6662 Holly Springs Road
Clermont, Ga 30527
Phone 678-616-3035 Please note- GPS may take you to the wrong driveway. The nursery is part of our farm. Use the entrance with the Full Bloom Nursery Sign, NOT our house and farm entrance.
We love dogs but ask that you please don't bring yours, with the exception of certified service dogs with medical card. The ADA does not consider emotional support animals as service animals. Unfortunately, we've had too many instances where our customers have stepped in the "presents" the visiting dogs have left behind that their owner didn't bother to pick up. Then there was the time that someone's German Shepard attacked our sweet Golden Retriever Honeybee and had her by the throat. We used to allow dogs but a few inconsiderate folks have forced us to adopt this policy. We appreciate your understating and wish we didn't have to enforce this policy. NO exceptions, please!